Home-raised deaths head pinning class - Norwich, August


A class to pin deaths head hawk moths I hand raised from eggs and caterpilllars over the winter of 2023-2024. These moths will be a bit tattier than normal but still lovely and very fluffy and cute.

Date: 18th August 12pm-2pm

Location: The Riverside Room in Anteros Arts, 11-15 Fye Bridge Street, Norwich, NR3 1LJ. See map below.

Entry via the café next door. Go inside, then up the stairs past the tills. Second door on the right.

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Pinning classes: Students will learn all the basics on how to re-hydrate and relax specimens, including how to construct their own relaxing chamber at home. Then learn handling techniques, follow along step-by-step to spread and mount their specimen. All stages will be guided and students can ask as many questions as needed. We will also discuss how to pose, display and maintain your piece to ensure a lasting artwork you can be proud of. Students take home their own prepared insect, a spreading board that can be used for future projects and the knowledge to pin their own pieces.